资料简介: |
The IM483 is a high per for mance,
low cost microstepping driver that
in cor po rates advanced surface
mount and ASIC technology. The
IM483 is small, easy to interface
and use, yet powerful enough to
handle the most demanding ap pli -
ca tions.
The IM483 has 14 different res o -
lu tions (both in binary and decimal)
built into the driver. These res o -
lu tions can be changed at any
time. There is no need to reset the
This feature allows the user to
rapidly move long distances, yet
precisely position the motor at the
end of travel with out the expense of
high performance con trol lers.
The development of proprietary circuits
has minimized ripple cur rent
while main tain ing a 20 kHz chopping
rate. This pre vents additional motor
heating that is com mon with drivers
requiring higher chop ping rates.
Now low in duc tance stepper motors
can be used to improve high speed
per for mance and system ef fi cien cy.
The IM483 also comes with an optional
on-board indexer to provide
design en gi neers with versatility
and power un matched in today’s
in dus try.
The IM483 is priced lower to
provide cus tom ers with affordable
state-of-the-art tech nol o gy for that
competitive edge need ed in today’s
电话: +86-021-62331855, 62331151
传真: +86-021-62343903
电邮: gk@gk-auto.net